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Our School

Mission and Goals

This section is currently being updated.

Contact Information

Hopkins Office:
Phone: 360-538-2190

Hopkins Principal:
Name: Darby
Phone: 360-538-2190 Ext 3102
Hopkins Office Secretary:


Birth to Three Services:  South Sound Parent to Parent
(Grays Harbor, South Mason, and Thurston Counties)

(360)352-1126 or South Sound Parent to Parent

If you think your child (age 0-3) should be crawling, walking, or talking but isn't, please schedule your FREE evaluation.  No Referral Required.

(360)462-0362 or South Sound Parent to Parent en Español

Si usted piensa que su hijo(a) (edad 0-3) debería de estar gateando, caminando, or hablando, pero no lo está haciendo, por favorhaga una cita GRATIS para una evaluación.  No se requiere referencia.

Hopkins FAX:
FAX: (360)-538-2192

ADDRESS: 131 Pacific Avenue, Aberdeen, WA 98520

Directions and a map to get our school